
Hi I’m Ginny and I love creating things.  Quilting and sewing are my favorite creative outlets but I also like to crochet and knit.

I enjoy making things for babies and kids and home decor items.  My hubby joins me in my Studio and helps with the cutting, stuffing blocks and he has even tried his hand at pinning together the rows of my zig zag tablerunners.  He did a great job I might add.   I haven’t gotten him to use the sewing machine yet but maybe someday.

Our garden takes up quite a bit of our time during the summer months but it is a rare day that I am not in my studio working on a bit of something.

We started Ginny’s Craft Basket in the summer of  2014.  Craft fairs were our main venue for the first year or so and then we found a wonderful craft vendor mall in Connecticut called Raspberry Junction.  We went to Connecticut fairly often and so we decided to give it a try and we rented a space there.  It was a great experience. Sadly, the proprietor passed away suddenly and the business has closed.

The craft fairs and my return customers kept me busy.   Then 2020 and covid came along.  Craft fairs were all cancelled but mask making filled my days….. and my sewing room.   I lost track of how many hundreds of masks we made.

At this point, I do not see us going back to doing many craft fairs.  However, I am still spending a good deal of my time in my studio.

Take a look at some of the items that I have had fun making.  If you have any questions about any of them or would like me to create something for you, just e-mail me at ginnyscraftbasket@gmail.com or fill in the form below.

Stop by often and see what I have been up to. If you have any questions, you can contact me at:



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