Rainy Friday

So what does one do when a tropical storm is coming for a short visit to bring a bunch of rain and wind?  Well, one does not go to the beach to see how high the waves are nor do you get to go out and play and enjoy your gardens.   So,  what was calling my name?   My sewing room.  No, not to sew but to clean up and rearrange things.   I have been reading the book Love Your Creative Space by Lilo Bowman and decided that I needed to love my space a little more.

Earlier in the week hubby helped me measure out the space in the room and  the furniture and storage pieces.   I used graph paper and figured out where things could be more efficiently located then checked the measurements of the space to see if things would work.

Here are some before pictures:

Yup, it was pretty messy and disorganized.  There had been a few different projects happening in the room and I didn’t quite keep up with tidying up after finishing.  So I set to work.   The large pieces like my sewing machines and the cutting table stayed where they were but small storage cubes, a bookcase  and bins and books were moved about…. or removed from the room completely.

And here we are after things were done:

One of the things I needed to set up was a small  pressing mat next to my Featherweight machine so that when I am sewing there I don’t have to get up and walk across the room to the iron that is set up close to my Pfaff.   I moved a small storage cabinet and put a pressing mat on top with my small travel iron.


It will work perfectly!   I also moved my precuts into four storage cubes that are now right next to each other.   A much more logical and efficient idea.

By evening I was ready for some relaxing time with some hand sewing.   I had finished putting the flag wall  hanging together, the quilting was done and it was time to hand stitch the binding down.  This morning it got hung up on the kitchen fireplace wall.


I will enjoy it there for the rest of the summer.  Now I need to figure out what I want to put up there for the fall months.   Time to look through my newly organized patterns and quilt books.

That’s what I have been busy with.  What have you been up to?   Are you venturing out more or still staying close to home?   We have been out and about a bit more but just to places that are open air (like the farm stand) or visiting with family, mostly staying outdoors.  And, of course, taking walks.  I hope we get to make a trip to the beach this coming week.   Masks are either on or with us to be used if necessary.

Be well.  Stay safe and healthy.

See you soon.  Bye for now.


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