Monthly Archives: April 2022

Spring? Really?

Well spring supposedly arrived last month. And it did for a while.

My crocus, daffodils forsythia and tulips all took their turns making an appearance. We spent time outdoors doing some spring clean up and getting excited about planting and enjoying our backyard again. Then Mother Nature decided to do a bit of bait and switch and send some chilly temps back to visit. There were even a few snowflakes sighted and even some hail. A few more warm days arrived and then poof!, we woke up to temperature of 39 this morning. Really?! Sigh I think we are on the weather roller coaster.

Looking ahead, I do see some warmer days in the near future. At least that is what the weather guessers are saying. I hope so. I am ready to spend some time sitting outside, soaking in some Vitamin D and listening to the birds singing their lovely songs. In the meantime, I’ll keep busy in my sewing room, take a trip to the library and choose a couple good books to read, watch some Yankee games and maybe watch a couple movies. Spring, and eventually summer will arrive. I have faith.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, my snowmen friends are reminding me that it is 8 months until Christmas.

Hope you are having a good day. Be well. Stay safe.

Bye for now.
